Call or Email us
Phone (08) 81511333 Fax (08) 81511334 Email [email protected] Telehealth / Phone appointment It is possible to schedule some appointments via telehealth, in particular for patients living in remote or regional areas. |
Colonoscopy / Gastroscopy - Easy Access
We also offer an easy access (facilitated) pathway for patients requiring a Colonoscopy or Gastroscopy. Once a request has been received, this will be reviewed by a doctor and you will be contacted to confirm whether you are suitable for a direct booking, or whether an appointment is required before hand. To request a colonoscopy or gastroscopy, click here. |
Appointment requirements
For general appointments, we require a valid referral letter (from a GP or specialist) to be sent by email, fax, post, or in person.
We also require a Patient Detail Form which can be completed below.
For general appointments, we require a valid referral letter (from a GP or specialist) to be sent by email, fax, post, or in person.
We also require a Patient Detail Form which can be completed below.