Contact details
Phone (08) 81511333 Fax (08) 81511334 Email [email protected] Our Location Level 2, 321 South Terrace, Adelaide. There is accessible car-parking on site and on South Terrace. Bus Stop: K1 Hutt St – East side. Hours We are open 8:30AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday. The rooms are closed on public holidays, and between Christmas and New Year. |
After hours
If you have a problem outside of office hours there are several options:
If you have a problem outside of office hours there are several options:
- One of our surgeons is always available for calls
- If your surgeon is not available, the call will be diverted to the surgeon who is covering oncall.
- If it is an emergency consider calling 000
- St Andrews Hospital emergency is open 8.00am – 10.00pm
- Royal Adelaide Hospital emergency is open 24 hours a day
- Your GP may be able to help for less urgent matters